Helicopters Magazine

Features MRO
Heli-One contracted by Kolporter for CAMO services

March 30, 2023  By Helicopters Staff

Heli-One has utilized decades of flight and maintenance planning data to develop a customer-centric CAMO service. (Photo: Heli-One)

MRO provider Heli-One has been contracted to provide Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) services for Kolporter, a European operator with a B407 aircraft.

The services provided include a dedicated team, technical log management and a tailored maintenance program with a digital customer portal, with ultimate goal of optimizing long term maintenance planning to extract full value of the aircraft. The service will provide Kolporter with remote digital access through Heli-One’s maintenance management software system.

Heli-One explains it has utilized decades of flight and maintenance planning data to develop a customer-centric solution with budget predictability and flexibility, which allows Kolporter to better forecast budget spending to align with operational needs.

“Our Heli-One Poland team delivers exceptional customer service and this customer’s aircraft is in safe and capable hands,” said Carolyn Forsyth, General Manager of Sales, Commercial & Customer Support, Heli-One. “We are looking forward to helping them maximize the full value of their aircraft, without sacrificing safety, on a reasonable budget.”

Heli-One Poland is an EASA Part 145 Approved Maintenance Organization with a CAMO Organisation approval from the Poland Civil Aviation Authority, Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom and the Cayman Islands Civil Aviation Authority.

Kolporter has been operating aircraft for 20 years. Heli-One, a segment of CHC Helicopter, has MRO operations in Richmond, Canada; Delta, Canada; Stavanger, Norway; and Rzeszow, Poland.



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